Furnace not working? – Here’s what to check for before calling an HVAC company!

 In Furnace, Heating, HVAC Repairs

Is your furnace not working? It doesn’t heat or works poorly? What should you do?  Your immediate thought is to call an HVAC company. However, did you know that there are actually a few steps that you, as a homeowner, can take if your furnace  is malfunctioning –  before calling a heating company? Here are a few tips to keep in mind that don’t require the services of a professional:

  1. Check if the furnace is getting power.
    Check your fuse box for any tripped circuit breakers.
  2. Ensure that the furnace’s power switch is turned “ON”.
  3. Check your thermostat settings.
    Make sure your thermostat is set to heat and then raise the temperature by a few degrees and wait for the furnace to turn on.
  4. Check thermostat batteries.
    Some thermostat features a flashing low battery icon on their control screen. This helps identify when the batteries need to be changed. However, if the thermostat doesn’t have this feature remove the old batteries and replace with a new one.
  5. Check your furnace filter.
    This is a significant maintenance step that is often forgotten. A filter clogged with dust and dirt can block the airflow and undermine your furnace’s efficiency, causing it to overheat and shut down. Remember, with a clean filter light should be able to pass through it. To verify if your filter is dirty, remove the filter from your furnace and hold it against a light. If you can’t see any light through the filter, it means the filter is dirty.  Air filters should be changed at least every 3 months. If you have severe allergies, have pets, or if there is construction taking place in or around your home, it is best to keep tabs on your filter monthly and change it more often if required.

If you’ve checked all of the above and your furnace still isn’t working, it’s a good time to hire a certified HVAC technician. Annual furnace maintenance is the best option to keep your furnace working efficiently and to prolong the unit’s lifespan. Remember, yearly furnace tune-ups can save you money by avoiding expensive and unexpected emergency service calls. It is recommended to do maintenance on your heating unit in the fall season – well before the winter weather strikes.



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